Fill this enchanting voice in us
Feel the lecture they gave us
It is pressuring
Or, you may call it 'suffering'
This is our future
We face all the torture
Keep filling all the knowledge
While making a fuss all over the edge
This is adolescence
We all need proper teachings and lessons
Someone to guide
Something to abide
To teachers,
All you do everyday is correct us
In this teenage-zoo-life
It's all simple teachings as 3 + 2 = 5
We listened, oh yeah we did
But us just like to pull the lid
Even I sometimes
Did it on purpose so many times
I know we can all be better
It's just we don't take it as important matter
As in our language, discipline & manners
Potentials are all around us gathered
Some are thankful
Some just are fools
With and by your teachings
Knowledge; you are the ones who taught us everything
High-school is the best places at first
But later the positive feelings just go burst
And all the problematic students;
Draw all of your attention in all terms
Until we become matured
And maybe things would go more absurd
Teachers : " I just don't understand all of you nowadays. "
Students : " Actually, we too don't realize what we're doing everyday. "
This is what I've had
After trying to put myself in your shoes
I know it is bad
So to this poem please liked or be cursed
--it's all like that, is it not? (:--
Bab 4 Sains Teras KSSM : Aplikasi Teknologi Hijau bagi menyelesaikan isu
sosiosaintifik dalam sektor pertanian dan perhutanan
*Kitar semula sisa makanan menjadi baja kompos*
*Kredit Channel Astro Awani*
*Kredit Channel Youtube Tripple H*
5 years ago