You should've known
When I had you crowned
To be the one I'll hope, and have faith in
Things just end up dead in the inn
Covered with blood
Cover the hole which you dug
Just to bury the treasure
Memories, Forever
Let everyone acknowledge me
With the large gap of personality
Between you and me
There's just things you can't see
" We are the world. "
Trying to make all people as one
Change their eyes from gold
To the ones we can always hold
Gather together
Save us to the land
Wonder seas are there forever
And skies we could never grasp in our hand
But now, I just don't know
Who to trust, who to cling onto now
Light the path I need desperately
Somehow, I'm still alone in my destiny
----------- John Ryan, 3C
Bab 4 Sains Teras KSSM : Aplikasi Teknologi Hijau bagi menyelesaikan isu
sosiosaintifik dalam sektor pertanian dan perhutanan
*Kitar semula sisa makanan menjadi baja kompos*
*Kredit Channel Astro Awani*
*Kredit Channel Youtube Tripple H*
5 years ago
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