A premier among the movies
A note among the melodies
What do you expect from these?
I see nothing except tears
You may say I'm a negative thinker
You may see I'm a downhearted believer
But it's just you didn't see clearly
Loose me up and run freely
You may see me bright
You may see me happy
But you just can't see the real light
That you never knew anything about me
Even if you don't get a single thing
I'll lend you a chord
So if one day you're going to see me off the airport
Be strong and still remember me
Don't stop believing
Sharpen everyday
It'll end everything
If everything just be blown away
Everytime that you say you love me
Is the bestest moment as ever
Nothing is more warm and happier
Even though we're over, You are still in me.
" I smile on the dark, not on the light. "
John, 3rk.
Bab 4 Sains Teras KSSM : Aplikasi Teknologi Hijau bagi menyelesaikan isu
sosiosaintifik dalam sektor pertanian dan perhutanan
*Kitar semula sisa makanan menjadi baja kompos*
*Kredit Channel Astro Awani*
*Kredit Channel Youtube Tripple H*
5 years ago
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