Let me rest
With all lies
Lit up the rest
And let me fly
Set me free
Bind me to the skies
Too curious to have the lead
While a monster's waiting to be freed
Dream the illusion
See the reality
Drowned in your confusion
Pass the thought in the sea
I'll say I hate
I didn't say I'd forget
Didn't say won't forgive
Didn't mention what I promised to give
On the past
I gave you the 'code'
In the end you won't last
Despaired with my hope
You know,
This poem isn't made by usual inspiration
It's like, I'm on a show
Pretending I had all my role
....I don't even know the purpose of the poetry this time, :P
- John Ryan 3C/rk3 ( ukm )
( what's those ukm upm all uitm u u u u u u for? ......... )
Bab 4 Sains Teras KSSM : Aplikasi Teknologi Hijau bagi menyelesaikan isu
sosiosaintifik dalam sektor pertanian dan perhutanan
*Kitar semula sisa makanan menjadi baja kompos*
*Kredit Channel Astro Awani*
*Kredit Channel Youtube Tripple H*
5 years ago
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Jemput datang ke blog ini lagi.. :D